Junior Guard Parents!
This is the new Orange Coast District JG website.
Parent Handbook
It is the sole responsibility of each parent or guardian to ensure safe travel for their child to and from the Junior Lifeguard Program. California State Parks and the Junior Lifeguard Program are not responsible for students outside of scheduled program hours and activities. The Program does not certify parent carpools. Parents are expected to be prompt at dropping-off and picking-up their Junior Lifeguards. Parents are responsible for their children immediately prior to and immediately following scheduled program hours.
Attendance is taken daily. Attendance is particularly important because is affects your child's WATERMAN AWARD score! If you bring your child late, walk them out to the beach and personally notify an instructor of their presence. Please send a note with your child if they will be leaving early so their instructor can have them prepared to leave when you arrive. If your child is leaving early, please walk out to the beach to get them. Our instructors cannot leave the beach to walk your child out to meet you.
If you choose not to attend a day of JG’s you can notify the coordinator of the program VIA EMAIL. Unless there are a number of consecutive days missed, we will not contact participants regarding absences.
If you need to contact your child and are unable to reach the program coordinator please call (949) 497-3864 and they will get in contact with JG staff via radio.
Student Discipline for Minor Incidents
For the Junior Lifeguard Program to be successful, students must exhibit behavior that demonstrates respect for our staff, other students, our equipment and facilities. Group activities are vital to our program. A student that is disruptive to group activities and disrespectful to instructors diminishes the enjoyment and education of the other students. The intent of discipline is to instruct the student so as to gain compliance with acceptable behavior norms. Therefore, please familiarize your Junior Lifeguard with the following expected behaviors:
Arriving on time and being promptly picked up from the program
Respect of Instructors and other staff
Respect of other students: no shoving, hitting or name-calling
Respect of the facilities, equipment and property of others
Cooperation with others
Practice good sportsmanship
Follow all safety rules and all instructions
Listen quietly to directions / announcements
Participate in regular program activities
The progressive steps of discipline are as follows:
When a minor discipline situation occurs, the student will be counseled about the situation and given an explanation of what behavior change is expected.
If a subsequent incident occurs, the student will be asked to take a “TIME OUT” or “TAKE A LAP”. A “TIME OUT” is an extended period in which the student will be removed from program activities. A “TAKE A LAP” is a supervised swim, run or activity of reasonable distance/duration. After the“TIME OUT” or “TAKE A LAP” the student is allowed to rejoin the group activity.
When a student has a series of “TIME OUT’s” or “TAKE A LAP’s” in the same day or a series of discipline situations over several days, the Lead Instructor will inform the youth’s parent or guardian about the situation.
When a student continually disregards the Instructors or shows little or no improvement with steps 1 through 3, the student will be suspended from the program for one day. The parent or guardian of the student will be informed that the student has been suspended. This will also include a conference with the parents as to the necessary steps the student will follow in order to remain in the program.
If after suspension, the student’s behavior is still not acceptable, the parent or guardian of the student will be informed that the student may no longer attend any of the program’s activities. There will be NO REFUND of fees.
Student Discipline for Major Incidents
Major first time incidents will result in an immediate suspension (1-3 days). Major incidents would include:
Unexcused truancies or absences
Fighting with another student or other person
Unlawful or non-consensual touching of another person
Use of any illegal substance
Stealing the property of another
Vandalism of equipment or facilities
Throwing rocks, sand or food at other students, wildlife or property of others
Other conduct which brings disrespect on the Jr. Lifeguards or the State of California.
Any time a major behavior problem occurs, the Aquatic Program Supervisor shall be advised.
Students are expected TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL regular program activities. The younger, smaller students may not have the same opportunities as the older students to utilize equipment that requires body weight and strength. If you have questions, please see one of the lead instructors.
Group assignments for each child (A, B, C, or D/Groms) will be made by the program instructors. Grouping is based primarily on age and skill level in the ocean. However, there may be other factors which influence your child’s grouping. If you have questions please feel free to contact the program coordinator.
There will be a $50.00 fee for cancellations made prior to the program start if the session is already full. Refunds will not be given after the program has begun, except for certain injury or illness situations.
Injuries during the program that preclude the student’s further participation in activities may be given a pro-rated refund based upon the remaining number of days in the program including the date of injury.
There will be no refund of fees for students suspended (1-3 days) or for students that are removed from all further program activities for disciplinary reasons.
Refunds are processed internally through Reserve California and may take approximately three business days. Contact the junior lifeguard program coordinator to initiate refunds.
Mark your name on all equipment and clothing clearly.
Student’s required uniform (available for sale before and during the program)
Boys: MANDATORY: Navy swim trunks and JG logo T-shirt, protective footwear and ocean swim fins. OPTIONAL: A rash guard, a navy or straw hat and navy sweatshirt are also recommended.
Girls: MANDATORY: Navy tank type swim suit, navy swim trunks and JG logo T-shirt, protective footwear and ocean swim fins. A rash guard, a navy or straw hat and navy sweatshirt are also recommended.
Uniform sales – students are required to buy their T-shirt from the program. The program also sells all other items (except footwear). Swim suits, shorts, and hats may be purchased elsewhere, but must be solid Navy in color and of an appropriate style. Uniforms will be sold through Jack's Surf Shop.
Swim fins – We expect Junior Guards to have a pair of swim fins for long swims, days with bigger surf, and body boarding activities. The program has a LIMITED number of fins available.
Junior guards are welcome to bring personal equipment with them to the program such as body boards. HOWEVER, we are not responsible for these items. Any loss of personal equipment is not the responsibility of the program or the program instructors. NO HARDBOARDS!
We have a limited amount of tuition assistance available. If your child or the child of someone you know cannot participate in the Junior Lifeguard Program without assistance, please contact us for a Tuition Assistance Application. Due to limited funding, tuition assistance is only available for one session per program year per student. Further, priority consideration will be given to new applicants. Otherwise, tuition assistance is first come first served during regular enrollment periods.
If you or your business has the means to make a tax-exempt donation to the Tuition Assistance Fund, please call the Junior Lifeguard Office.
The California State Junior Lifeguard program admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The state does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship, athletic and other school administered programs.
The Junior Lifeguard Program is NOT a “learn to swim” school. Therefore, prospective students are screened at a tryout test to see if they have the minimum skills to benefit from the Junior Lifeguard Program. The instructors approve a child’s skill level based upon successful completion of the test and on the child’s swimming competence and confidence.
Tryouts specifications vary from location. See registration site for details.
Crystal Cove State Park Junior Lifeguards
8471 Pacific Coast Highway
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
The State of California
Department of Parks and Recreation